What's Your Vision For Ja?

ImageMost of us have a vision for ourselves, and our families. But we forget to extend our sights and create a vision for our country.


As a nation, it would be excellent if we had a National Vision... one that gives us all a sense of direction and unity around a common cause. Recognising this, the Cabinet Office and Planning Institute of Jamaica, supported by the Government of Jamaica and the Canadian International Development Agency ENACT, have been leading the preparation of such a vision, a comprehensive statement that best describes the Jamaica we all want /desire by the year 2030.


They are inviting Jamaicans, both home and abroad, to add their input, and help to create a National Vision that we can all be proud of.     


Vision 2030 Draft


From bustling townships and cities to the irie countryside, we are a people of tremendous God-given talent and potential. Out of diverse hardships, we remain strong and deeply spiritual. Jamaica, an island gem basking in brilliant sunshine where cool waters cascade from the mountains to the fertile soils of the valleys below. 


As a united family at home and abroad, we commit to a vision in which:


·  we ensure equitable access to modern education and training appropriate to the needs of each person and the nation


·  we provide quality and timely health-care for the mental, physical and emotional well-being of our people


·  our children and our children's children can continue to enjoy the unique environmental and cultural treasures of our island homecoming


·  we seek out and support the entrepreneurial talents of our young people


·  we create prosperity through the sustainable use of resources and access to innovative technology in our urban and rural communities


·  we provide full access to efficient and reliable infrastructure and services


·  we are the premier destination to visit and do business


·  we hold to, and build on, those positive core values and attitudes that have made us distinctly Jamaican


·  we resolve conflicts through dialogue and mediation


·  we treat each other with respect and dignity

·  we all have meaningful voice in the decision-making of our country


·  we create a safe and secure society


·  we know our rights and responsibilities and stand equal before the law. We especially seek to create a secure future for our vulnerable population in ensuring that:


·  each child has equal opportunity to develop their full potential through access to the best care, affection and protection


·  our youth are empowered to contribute meaningfully in building and strengthening the communities to which they belong


  our elderly and persons with disabilities are fully integrated withing society, have access to appropriate care and support services and are treated as valuable human resources


·  no one falls into, or remains in poverty for lack of adequate support.One love, one heart, one Jamaica!  


Chat-Bout Extra:

'Without vision, the people perish', so says the good book. In accordance with the wisdom the sages have imparted to us throughout the ages, the Jamaican Government, and Chat-Bout, want to hear what your vision for this country is. Write your comments.

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