Time On Your Side

The easiest way to handle a problem is before it becomes a
problem. The most effective way to resolve a confrontation
is to prevent it from ever happening.

By understanding and appreciating what is, you're able to
see what can be. By addressing big issues when they are
still small, you can greatly enhance your positive

Great achievements are built in long successions of small
moments. When you know where you're going from the very
beginning, you'll get there much more quickly.

Every day you are putting forth effort. Have the foresight
to point all those successive efforts in the same direction,
and you can create whatever results you wish.

Get out in front of your life and do what you must do, long
before it must be done. Instead of wasting much effort on
playing catch up, enjoy the rich, fulfilling rewards that
come from being ahead of the game.

Act early, act often and act with positive purpose. Reap the
tremendous benefits of putting time on your side.

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