Eat, pray, love this Christmas

Abundance is to see that there are endless possibilities before us. And at the same time, still see an incredibly rich existence right where we are. It is a feeling of gratitude for everything and everyone we have in our life.


As December dawns, once again we feel that familiar holiday excitement, along with the anxiety that often accompanies it. The one-too-many dinner engagements, school functions, office parties, insane traffic and gifts to buy can often take us out of the real meaning of Christmas and into the stress zone. This Christmas, let it be different. Let us commit to eat, pray and love with a sense of reverence.

Eat in moderation, please! The average person gains a pound or two during the holidays. However, an overweight person tends to gain even more. We can prevent this by sticking to our exercise routines or, if possible, adding an extra workout each week leading up to the holidays to even out the extra intake of calories. This is not the time to put your fitness routine on hold! I say enjoy your food and family time, but you will feel so much more in control of what you eat, if you stay with your exercise programme.

This is a time to be filled with gratitude for the abundance in your life. Yes, these are hard economic times for everyone, perhaps the hardest we have ever known, but we have our health, families, beautiful country, poised for change and we are alive! Give thanks. Pray often. Feel abundance instead of lack. Feel truly blessed because you are. When you are stuck in traffic, instead of fuming and cursing every taxidriver that bores in front of you, take some long, slow, deep breaths. Breathe in gratitude for all that you have in your life.

Love madly. Give from your heart. Remember those less fortunate than you and give of your time and energy, not just your pocket. Reach out to someone in your life. Forgive those holding grudges against you. Be the Christ-like person that we are celebrating this Christmas. Instead of focusing on what you can buy this Christmas, why don't you think of something that you can create with your hands using your God-given talents and give from your heart instead.

So its the beginning of December. How can you eat, pray and love this season differently? How can you really embrace the true meaning of Christmas? You can start now by letting go of the pressure and remembering we are celebrating the Christ in all of us.

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