Facebook page to aid downtown's homeless

Members of the popular Mad People Corna Facebook page, an outlet for laughter and societal discussions, are organising a Feed The Homeless Day, scheduled to take place on New Year's Eve in downtown Kingston. The event places emphasis on providing hope and a better standard of living for the homeless.


Administrators of the Mad People Corna page are asking for interested persons to donate $500 or US$6 to the cause.

Additionally, persons with cooking skills, as well as those who can provide transportation for the event, are encouraged to take part in the New Year's Eve initiative.

According to the page's creator, Shevez Morgan, there's a desire to make Feed The Homeless Day an islandwide event, but for now, the group intends to roll out this cause on a smaller scale.

"There was the question as to why we were only doing this in Kingston but please understand that while we know the need exists everywhere, it's our first time doing this, so we would prefer to try it on a smaller scale before we can do an all-island event," Morgan said.

Persons interested in Feed The Homeless Day are being encouraged to join the Mad People Corna page at www.facebook.com/Madpeoplecorna and get account information regarding possible donations. You may also email the page at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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