A New Job for Bruce with Blakka Ellis

Heat and excitement tun up now, till di volume buck! Yes my peeps, Bruce Golding has made the shocking announcement that's now the hottest topic among Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora.


He has declared his intention not to seek re-election as leader of the JLP, and to give up his job as Prime Minister as soon as a new party leader has been selected.


So now, all of a sudden, everybody and their drunken cousin turn commentator, clairvoyant, pundit, prophet, mind-reader and political analyst. You know how di ting set; everybody in Jamaica is an absolute authority whose unique area of expertise is basically every single subject on earth. And our people don't ignore opportunities to share our expertise. We talk. Whether it means calling one of the several talk shows, writing a letter to the editor or voicing out among friends at their bar or over a game of dominoes.


No one is reserving opinion or responding with quiet contemplation. No sah, everybody making a speech about it. Everybody feel they have the deeper insights, intimate information and interesting ideas behind the decision. And people nah ramp fi talk! Everybody is currently waxing eloquent and profound about the potential outcomes and implications of Mr Golding's declaration.




Most of the attention though, seems to be focussed on what will happen to the JLP, the government, or the country. A lot of the commentators are rightly anxious about who will succeed Mr Golding as leader. I hear questions like, will it be Andrew Holness, Christopher Tufton, Audley Shaw or L. A. Lewis? People are even talking about the possible effects on the PNP - like whether it may encourage any similar declarations on that side. But somehow, I don't hear anyone speculating about what is going to happen to Mr Golding.


What kind of work, if any, does a former PM do? Consultancy work maybe? Write his memoirs? Or grow a paunch like Mr Patterson? Become a lecturer or motivational speaker maybe, or perhaps he could do something more exciting. Yeah man, if I were the PM I'd take this opportunity to do something completely out-of-the-box. Well he may not do well as a comedian, although most politicians are hilarious. Him too grumpy-looking most of the time to me.


He could be a DJ, dub poet or a dancehall promoter though, and call himself something like 'Brute the Golden' or 'Goldie Ranks'. Or he could go into radio and TV - he's a great speaker and debater. I could see him interviewing Tanto Blacks or Lisa Hyper. And if he interviewed Cliff Twang, he certainly wouldn't laugh! What you think?


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