Tropical Storm Tomas approaches Haiti, Jamaica

Authorities in Haiti are urging hundreds of thousands of homeless to flee the tents and tarps they've been living under since January's earthquake for sturdier shelter.


Tropical Storm Tomas is approaching, and forecasters say it could reach hurricane strength before its center passes near Haiti tonight or early tomorrow morning.

The National Hurricane Center in Miami says Haiti could get as much as 10 inches of rain, and that could trigger major flooding.

Police at the emergency camps in Port-au-Prince have been pleading with residents to leave. But the quake survivors have fought forced evictions in the past and the voluntary evacuation has left many confused and afraid.

The ShelterBox tents some have been using were once promised to be hurricane-resistant. And few of the homeless have anywhere else to go. The government says it does have more than 1,000 shelters available, though it's telling people to seek out friends or family who can take them in.

Emergency officials in Jamaica are also urging people in low-lying areas to evacuate. That country is struggling to recover from September floods unleased by Tropical Storm Nicole.


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