Miss Jamaica Gospel Ambassadors Pageant launched

The first-ever Miss Jamaica Gospel Ambassadors Contest will take place in November of this year. The launch for the contest was held in The Venetian Suite, The Spanish Court Hotel, St Andrew, on Thursday. The contest will take place from September to November.


Jamaica Cultural Development Commison Gospel Song Competition 2010 winner, Ann-Marie Laing
There will be four regional elimination shows. The top four from each region will go through to the final for a grand total of 16 regional ambassadors participating in a Saturday, November 27 coronation show.



Amina Blackwood Meeks, as guest speaker at the launch, spoke of the need for a change in the Jamaican society. That change, she said, should be to create a society that aimed at developing its ethical and moral values and its spirituality. This, she said, should replace the ‘instant-coffee’ society where “we want the new dress, the new car, new house, now, now,” and the bias of the social status of an individual.


According to the organisers, Gospel Ambassadors, the contest is aimed at encouraging Christian (Jamaican) young ladies to participate and engage in activities aimed at advancing spiritual upliftment and community empowerment. The end product, the organisers explained, would be the selection of a National Youth Ambassador for Christ as a role model to young women.


The ambassador’s role is to be engaged by churches, schools or any other social entity to give motivational talks to young women using the principle of ‘Christ the advocate of the people’ and to undertake projects that will reflect the thought ‘I am my brothers’ keeper’.


The contest is designed to attract intelligent and morally sound young women who can become role models, regardless of denomination.


The contestants must have a strong belief in Christ.


Brainchild of the competition, Kenny Salmon, chairman of Gospel Ambassadors, said, “We’re going to do this project, we’re going to select a queen and she’s going to be different, she’s going to be royal because she’ll be under the blood of Jesus Christ.”


A short performances from the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission’s Jamaica Gospel Song Competition winner, Ann-Marie Laing, singing I Can Trust God accented the nature of the launch.


Later, Rashiem Shepherd, a representative from the group Spiritual Warriors, did an entertaining dub-poetry piece to the delight of those in attendance.


Both will be part of the performances expected during the competition’s roadshows.


The contestants will compete for a number of prizes including a scholarship to a theological college or a scholarship for training in counselling or social work, trophies and airline tickets, among others.

Source: Jamaica Gleaner


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