Jamaica to sign Dudus extradition request

A deeply apologetic Prime Minister Bruce Golding announced that Justice Minister Dorothy Lightbourne will sign the authority for extradition proceedings to commence against Tivoli Gardens strongman Christopher 'Dudus' Coke who is wanted by the United States to face gun- and drug-running charges.


In an address to the nation a short while ago, Golding begged the nation to forgive him for dragging out the extradition issue and for his involvement in the matter.


"The Minister of Justice will sign the authorisation for the extradition process to commence," Golding said.


Golding's head has been on the chopping block since last Tuesday's announcement in Parliament that he had personally sanctioned his party's decision to seek the assistance of United States law firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips to negotiate with the Barack Obama administration in the contentious extradition matter.


Calls from all sectors of society for Golding to resign led him to rally his party's top brass to high level talks on the weekend.


"In hindsight the party should have never got involved in the way it did," he said in tonight's broadcast. "I must accept responsibility for it and the way it was handled and I must express my remorse. I ask for your forgiveness." - Jamaica Observer


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