Bolt's Ambassador for 'The Long Run' charity

Usain Bolt has teamed up with former UK sprinter Colin Jackson to be a Charity Ambassador for 'The Long Run' charity, an initiative of the Zeitz Foundation.


The foundation is the brainchild of the PUMA's chairman Jochen Zeitz. The foundation seeks to support the development for safeguarding the earth's ecosphere.


Bolt, who is away on this assignment, will travel to London, Munich and Nairobi as part of his new role. In an interview, Zeitz disclosed that through investing in research and implementing innovative projects that balance conversation, community, culture and commerce, the foundation will strive to promote holistic approaches to enhancing economic, environmental and social sustainability in order to achieve "intercultural ecosphere safety".


This announcement was made at a news conference
in Munich, Germany on Wednesday.
Bolt returns to the island early November following which he will resume training for the 2010 track and
field season.


In the meantime, plans are fully operational for the hosting of his 9.58 SuperParty scheduled for Saturday, December 5 where there will be a blend of international stars experiencing Jamaica with Usain as host.


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