Smile Orange's final week

Final performances of Trevor Rhone's award-winning, classic comedy Smile Orange will be held at the Little Little Theatre this week.


This hilarious play was the writer's first hit, almost four decades ago, in Jamaica. It was staged to packed theatres in New York, London and South Africa and was destined to become a big movie hit in later years.


Smile Orange, which centres on the staff and guests at a local hotel, sees waiter Ringo Smith frequently seeking refuge from the wrath of a female companion, who is portrayed as a deranged stalker and the seemingly harassed assistant manager of the hotel.


The play has a star-studded cast that includes Everaldo Creary and Donald Anderson. It is directed by playwright Trevor Rhone and is a Rhone/Beckford Production.
Smile Orange opened on June 4 for a limited run.


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