Mali-Gripe an Fluxy Complain

'Yuh favour like yuh a suffer from Mali-gripe an fluxy complain"- a typical cuss phrase for Jamaicans.


Yuh never quite understood what it meant, and there is no explanation in any medical journal. What yuh did know, however is that the person is rude,  and ‘outa-aada’ and was obviously asking for a 'tump', or a lickle salt physics hide inna dem food when dem not looking. Because the suggestion was dat yuh look mawga, and fenkeh fenkeh (puny).


Well, later on mi get to find out say, a company did import one product wid the brand name Mali's Gripe and Flux Complaint Tonic. 


 Well, since cold medicine is for cold, and fever medicine is for fever, den as far as  my Jamaican people back den concerned, Mali's Gripe and Flux Complaint Tonic, must be for Mali-gripe and Fluxy Complain.  Come to think of it... it perfectly logical.                                                                                   

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