8 Valentine Gifts for Him

This Valentine's Day the gift of love should be all that matters. But for those who want to make this occasion above the average ...

here are some fantastic gift ideas that will have him crying his heart out in both happiness and romance for you!

Image1 If you are in a not so intimate relationship and you aren't too sure where it is heading, then stick to something that is not too intimate. Give him a collection of his favourite television shows or movies or whatever his favourite personals are. Check with your local DVD store and make preparations from early to get them for him. Maybe both of you could sit and watch them together.

2 Guys are just addictively charmed by a good fragrance. Yeah, they just cannot escape the hypnotising aura and feel of those classic perfumes, like a Burberry. However, ensure that the cologne bottle projects an exquisite style that will awe him from start. Hint: spray some over the teddy bear or gift package that you may want to give to him and pen a short and intense poem that expresses how the smell impacts on you and ultimately what it is capable of doing to his senses too and trust me girl, no matter what he does or where he goes, the scent of you will remain all over him!

3 Get a picture of yourself or a mouse pad and get it personalised, whether with a short poem that will have him tingling with emotions or with a short phrase that expresses the mushy part of your personality. Yeah, you want to bring out a sensuous and passionate feel in him for a change. Believe us the "ole dogs" do have a heart that you should appeal to on this day.

4 If you are a mature TEEN who has been in a relatively long relationship, then you must celebrate your honesty, maturity, commitment and love that had bonded you together for so long. It means spending the evening in the park, have a small picnic together and chat and laugh and eat your time away. Here you could also present the gifts to him and complete that moment in time.

5 A CD with love songs might have him teary, but to hear your voice before every selection, speaking to his senses in soothing whispers would shock him beyond delight! So start preparing that CD collection and pen those poems down girl and work on those vocals! (Hint: put a little humour in those lines to make him cry and laugh all at once with emotions).

6 A way to a guy's heart is through his stomach they say, so get him something really tasty to eat this Valentine's Day. Take him out this time for a change and let him order his favourite fare. If you are a bit low on the pocket, then why don't you bake him his favourite cake, add icing and inscribe something teasing and thrilling on it! The thought of your effort and labour would be well-received with greater love and gratitude. Guys really appreciate these things.

7 Get him a diary and a red rose. Pen all the exciting details of your relationship from the day you met him up until Valentine's Day. Remember to integrate a dash of humour and love 'mush' into it all to get that special romantic catharsis (high emotions) flowing through him.

8 And I know this may sound a little bit too expensive and way above average means, but for all you gals who are 'well-off', then a spa ticket shouldn't be too much for that special person, should it? Make him feel like a king for a day. Get him relaxed and pampered and looking his handsome best for your night out and you never know, next year he may thank you in a similar way. (Hint: both of you could go for the spa treatment).
Source: Jamaica Observer

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