Third Hand Smoke

There was 1st, and 2nd hand. Now there is 3rd hand smoke.



We've known the damage of first-hand smoke for years. And then there was the great second-hand smoke scare of the 90s. Now, in 2009 doctors and scientists are here to bring to your attention the dangers of third-hand smoke. It looks as though we are running out of hands.

Third-hand smoke is not actually smoke at all, but the residue that cigarette smoke leaves behind; on your clothes, hair, furniture and carpets. Cigarette smoke contains numerous chemicals that don't just float happily towards the heavens when you open the window or close the door.


These chemicals eventually settle into the fibers that surround us, including our own clothes, hair and skin. A child crawling, for example, is at risk for coming in contact with these cancer causing chemicals as they explore their environment."When you come into contact with your baby, even if you're not smoking at the time, she comes in contact with those toxins. And if you breastfeed, the toxins will transfer to your baby in your breastmilk."


Winickoff notes that nursing a baby if you're a smoker is still preferable to bottle-feeding, however.The residue includes heavy metals, carcinogens and even radioactive materials that young children can get on their hands and ingest, especially if they’re crawling or playing on the floor. 



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