BBC Documentary On Nanny

 Legendary Maroon warrior and Jamaica's National Heroine, Nanny, is the subject of a BBC documentary which attemps to shed light on the mythical figure.

The film, which made its debut in March 2007, was shown last Friday at the University of the West Indies (UWI) as part of a series organised by the Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work commemorating Heritage Month. It features such eminent local figures as Mutabaruka, M'bala and Colonels Frank Lumsden and Wallace Sterling of the Charles Town and Moore Town Maroons, respectively.


Interesting facts

Although Ms Dynamite - In Search of Nanny Maroon is neither an in-depth investigation nor analysis of Maroon history and culture, it does uncover a few interesting facts. Col Lumsden provides an account of the battle at Spanish River, which, he says, was the final battle in the first Maroon War that led directly to the British suing for peace. There is also a display of one of the methods of camouflage used by the Maroons during their campaign against the world's most powerful army at the time. There is also footage of the annual festivities at Accompong celebrating the signing of the treaty with the British.


Presented by Dr Cecil Gutzmore, the documentary was followed by a stimulating discussion which focused on weighty matters like the Maroons' collaboration with British forces to police Jamaica's slave population - a highly controversial stipulation of the centuries-old treaty.


Studying historical events

A major point arising out of the enlightening discussion was the need to study historical events in an effort to stop the cycle of divide-and-rule, which has been used to subjugate Africans and destroy cultures on the continent and throughout the Diaspora for hundreds of years. Moderator and chief organiser, Dr Michael Barnett, believes the documentary-and-discussion series is a necessary and valuable cultural contribution.


The next film to be shown this Friday will be Time and Judgment, an analytical look at such iconic leaders as Haile Selassie, Marcus Garvey, Maurice Bishop and Walter Rodney, with a focus on their contemporary relevance. If the last event is anything to go by, Time and Judgement should be an edifying film followed by a stimulating discourse between some bright analytical minds.


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