Magnesium for your health PDF Print E-mail

We know that vitamins and minerals are essential for good health. But in the variety of minerals available, magnesium is very often overlooked. Next to potassium, it is the most important mineral within the cells.


Magnesium is needed by the body for healthy bone structure and producing energy in the cells. As an electrolyte, magnesium is a mineral salt that conducts electricity when dissolved in water. Men and women alike, can be deficient in magnesium if the diet does not provide enough.


For maintaining a healthy bone structure, magnesium helps with the absorption of calcium for strong bones and teeth and is a component of bones where two-thirds of the body's magnesium can be found. Although calcium usually gets touted for bone health supplementation, in fact, magnesium is more important, as the body needs twice as much magnesium compared to calcium. Magnesium is so important to bone health, because it plays a critical role in processing vitamin D and calcium in the body.


Energy production


Another critical function of magnesium in the diet is the production of energy. This is why magnesium is concentrated in metabolically active areas of the body, such as the brain, heart and liver. As the body performs any function that involves contraction and relaxation of the muscles, including the heart muscles, magnesium will be needed. Magnesium is also critical to the transmission of messages along the cells.




When women have cravings for chocolate and other sweets prior to their monthly period, they may get relief by combining magnesium with vitamin B6 to relieve the cravings, mood swings, belatedness and tenderness of the breast associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


How do you know that you may have a magnesium deficiency? You may experience symptoms such as tiredness, difficulty sleeping, irritability, mental confusion, weakness, loss of appetite, headaches and muscle cramps. When the levels of magnesium in the diet are low, persons are more at risk for heart disease, hypertension, kidney stones, cancers, PMS and menstrual cramps. The elderly and women during PMS are more likely to be magnesium deficient.


Whole foods


The recommended required daily intake for magnesium id 350 milligrams per day for adult men and 300 milligrams for adult women. Pregnant and lactating women should be taking 450 milligrams per day. To prevent the deficiency of magnesium in the diet, food choices are very critical, since magnesium occurs abundantly in whole foods, but consumers usually have more processed foods than whole ones. It is important to eat more unrefined foods, especially those from vegetable sources. Foods with good sources of magnesium include:


  • whole grains
  • nuts especially cashews, almonds, brazil nuts, pecans
  • molasses
  • wheat germ and wheat bran
  • kelp and other seaweeds
  • buckwheat
  • wholewheat
  • rye
  • tofu
  • dried fruit
  • sweet corn
  • green vegetables



It is very rare to overdose on magnesium from foods in the diet. Some persons resort to magnesium supplementation when they feel that they do not get enough from their diet. However, magnesium supplementation has the potential for side effects and interactions with medications and should be taken only under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner. People with heart or kidney disease should not take magnesium supplements, except under their doctor's supervision.


Common side effects from magnesium include upset stomach and diarrhoea. Too much magnesium can cause serious health problems, including nausea, vomiting, severely lowered blood pressure, slowed heart rate, deficiencies of other minerals, confusion, coma, and even death. (


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